A new blockchain app was being created that allows enterprise businesses to scale, secure, monitor smart contracts, and business transactions closely.
Target Audience: Chain Owners & Store Managers of Independent Retail Stores
Role: Lead Product Designer, UX/UI
 led the UX/UI efforts helping to define new customer experiences working closely with my Product Directors and the entire Engineering. Design reviews were held in two-week sprints then presented and validated by the team.

Challenge 1: Create An Intuitive & Frictionless Experience
Develop an enterprise application that helps manage and monitor any business transactions to a committed blockchain. Distill abundant information in a timely, relative, and digestible manner.
Gather resources, conduct whiteboard sessions, usability interviews, and testing. Whiteboard sessions were needed to identify missing pieces found in our user stories. By pairing up with users we identified pain points within their journeys. We conducted in-person usability testing of our designs and flows.
This journey allowed an Admin or Manager to invite (Add A Node), manage, view details, and assign role-based functions to any committed blockchain. A map view showed the map's blockchains or consortiums by location. One can also search, filter, sort, or view detailed lists plus assign roles and rights permissions to anyone in a particular blockchain.
Tracking of a blockchain's overall performance gave IT & Admins access to monitor and resolve any diagnostic issues that existed. At the time, there were no such means to do any type of performance checks within the application.
We conducted whiteboard sessions and user interviews to gather insights into our users' goals. This Excel spreadsheet provided a way to categorize and organize important information that was called out by our users.
A complete dashboard module for node performance and health was designed. An IT Manager or Systems Admin would gain at-a-glance views to assist and monitor any node or system that may be blocked or lagging in performance. This feature for performance would increase the efficiency of the platform and expedite all of the business transactions managed within it.
New feature sets were designed, developed, and delivered on time. The app’s design features were presented and vetted. The building and coding of this enterprise blockchain app began in tandem to design after our first few sprints.
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