With DanceLove App, managing your schedule, accepting payments, and promoting classes has never been easier – it's an entire dance fitness community at your fingertips.

Target Audience: Dance fitness instructors, students, and anyone interested in health & fitness
Role: Entrepreneur, Head of Design, Lead Product Designer, Branding
Welcome to DanceLove App – where managing your dance fitness schedule, handling payments, and promoting your classes is a breeze. It's like having your own dance community right in your pocket!
Who's it for? Dance fitness instructors, students, and anyone passionate about health & fitness. 
As the brains behind the product's UI/UX and branding, we took it from concept to launch. Teamed up with our founders to shape the vision, business goals, and useful features for the app.
First challenge: Instructors needed an easy way to handle schedules, payments, and student connections. Many were tech-shy, relying on outdated methods like contacts, calendars, or spreadsheets. Not anymore!
Let's break it down: First up, we needed quick prototypes to test and understand what dance instructors really wanted. The goal? To tweak and enhance our product offerings based on that valuable data.
Here's the fix: Instructors can now effortlessly bring in their existing schedules straight from their smartphone calendars. With their class plans right in the app, they can promote and cash in on classes anytime, anywhere. Easy peasy!
Let's make this journey easy to follow: Challenge 2 was all about getting fitness instructors on board from day zero. We needed a smooth onboarding flow so instructors could effortlessly set up schedules, promote classes, and handle payments with a snap.
Here's the breakdown: Before building anything, we dived into personas, whiteboard sessions, user stories, and all the nitty-gritty like low-high fidelity wireframes and InVision prototypes. Oh, and we didn't forget the real deal – in-person interviews with our early users who joined us right from the app's beginning.
The magic touch? Two separate apps for businesses and consumers were handed over to our engineering wizards. We proudly unveiled our brainchild at the IDEA Fitness Expo in San Diego complete with a demo that wowed the crowd.
And the lessons learned? It's not always about my ideas – it's about serving others. As a Full Stack Designer, I discovered it's okay not to know everything. Embrace what you're good at and build from there. In a small startup, being flexible and nimble with customer feedback is key. Every stumble is a chance to learn, and every win, no matter how small, deserves a celebration!
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