LG Electronics was amidst its competitors in launching a slick, new interface and experience for its Smart TV. Before launch, there were many details to keep an eye out for.

Target Audience: Any consumer who uses or watches TV shows, movies, or sports on an LG Electronics, Smart TV
Role: Sr. Design Consultant, UI/IxD & Visual Design, Design Team Member for the product

Worked as part of the UX & Visual Design Team to create a smart, lean-back experience for the new TV Guide, and Search & Discovery on the Smart TV. There were many types of watching experiences to consider when presenting a GUI for LG's TV Guide.
Challenge: Enhance the Lean-Back TV Watching Experience
Prioritize linear content, watching right now, least expensive to watch, and watch a show

from the beginning. Discover sections and surface intelligent slices of new content to
experience on the EPG (electronic programming guide).
Collective and collaborative team efforts for visual explorations were paired with shared UX wireframes. Shared living files for the Smart TV design systems were needed to maintain cohesion between our siloed design efforts. TV monitors were made available for comparative testing and analyzing new design experiences. Design, testing, and refining became a motto.
A slick and user-friendly interface was debuted and demoed by many employees at the Preview Party for that year's new product releases. The interface was found to be simple and intuitive which kept our spectators dazzled and at bay.
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