LG Electronics had collected some extensive customer research from their existing smartwatches in-store. The majority of their learnings would show that a segmented target audience was ready for a new, luxury smartwatch. 
Product Design, IxD, UI & Visuals
I was solely responsible for the design efforts luxury smartwatch concept. I partnered with Concept Developers, Directors of Product, and a Project Manager.
Challenge: Design A Luxury, Smart Watch Interface
Create a luxury smartwatch that has a nice mix of lifestyle and business using a digital interface that is a round shape while conveying it is luxurious.
Many iterations of controls, iconography, and user flows were created and presented to the collective team for feedback and approval.
High-fidelity visuals were delivered to our Concept Developer who built the code for us to test to an actual smartwatch in-house for our presentation meeting to the LG Electronics team in Korea. A live prototype was created to share with our Design Team abroad.
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